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Enhancing Object Storage Performance: Introducing NVMe Hardware and Expanded Capacity

Our high-capacity Object Storage offers a performance boost with new NVMe hardware and increased capacity.
Deploy HashiCorp Nomad Cluster with Marketplace!
Billy Thompson

Manage Highly Available Containers and More with HashiCorp Nomad Cluster App

Oct 3, 2023
by Billy Thompson
HashiCorp's lightweight workload scheduler, Nomad, is now available as a highly available cluster deployment in our Marketplace.
Developer Tools
Hillary Wilmoth

Core Compute Region Expansions in Milan and Osaka

Sep 28, 2023
by Hillary Wilmoth
New core compute regions are now open in Milan, Italy and Osaka, Japan to increase capacity and availability for customers.
Salman Iqbal

Kubernetes (Down) Scaling: Combining Autoscalers

Sep 27, 2023
by Salman Iqbal
Combine multiple Kubernetes autoscalers to optimize cloud resources by scaling down cluster resources when you don't need them.
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)
Hillary Wilmoth

Deploy Workloads in Seattle (New Compute Core Region)

Sep 21, 2023
by Hillary Wilmoth
Deploy workloads in Seattle, our second core compute region on the West Coast.
How to (Right) Size a Kubernetes Cluster for Efficiency
Daniele Polencic

How to (Right) Size a Kubernetes Cluster for Efficiency

Sep 14, 2023
by Daniele Polencic
Set the right values for requests and limits, select the right instance type, and use calculators to make Kubernetes costs more predictable.
Containers (Kubernetes, Docker)
Talia Nassi

Web Server Foundations

Sep 12, 2023
by Talia Nassi
Understand how web servers are used in cloud computing.
Cloud Overviews
Portability Highlights Battle Between Cloud-Native and Platform-Centric Design
Mike Maney

Portability Highlights Battle Between Cloud-Native and Platform-Centric Design

Sep 8, 2023
by Mike Maney
Techstrong Research revealed more than half of DevOps and cloud-native readers are currently moving or expect to move workloads.
Cloud Overviews
Talia Nassi

Cloud Computing Service Models

Sep 5, 2023
by Talia Nassi
Learn the different ways of delivering computing services over the internet.
Cloud Overviews
Stockholm Launch Blog Header Image
Hillary Wilmoth

Akamai Opens Newest Cloud Computing Site in Stockholm

Aug 30, 2023
by Hillary Wilmoth
Deploy workloads in Sweden with the newest site in Europe as part of our journey to a new distributed cloud.
Types of Cloud Environments Blog Header Image
Talia Nassi

Types of Cloud Environments

Aug 29, 2023
by Talia Nassi
Learn how each cloud environment works and learn to weigh their strengths and weaknesses.
Cloud Overviews
Instance Metadata Now In Beta blog image
Hillary Wilmoth

Metadata Service Now Available in Open Beta

Aug 28, 2023
by Hillary Wilmoth
We’re adding a metadata service powered by cloud-init to make configuring compute instances faster and easier than ever.