Ryan Nicometo – Videonet https://www.v-net.tv TV and Video Analysis Tue, 12 Sep 2023 15:46:50 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.8.25 https://www.v-net.tv/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/cropped-Videonet-favicon_517x517px-32x32.png Ryan Nicometo – Videonet https://www.v-net.tv 32 32 Inside Video Tech: Vecima Networks https://www.v-net.tv/2019/06/07/inside-video-tech-vecima-networks/ Fri, 07 Jun 2019 09:30:19 +0000 http://www.v-net.tv/?p=14067 Vecima Networks’ Senior Vice President of Product and Marketing, Ryan Nicometo, discusses the company’s evolution, its acquisition of video software company Concurrent Technology last year and competition in the video-tech space.

-Describe Vecima Networks and the company’s core focus?

Vecima Networks focuses on developing integrated hardware and scalable software solutions for broadband access, content delivery and telematics. We build technologies that transform content delivery and storage, enable high-capacity broadband network access, and streamline data analytics.

When was the company founded and how has its strategy changed since then?

The company that became Vecima Networks was founded in 1988 with a primary focus on designing and building hardware used by several large technology providers to the service provider space. Over time the strategy shifted from building hardware for others, to building hardware and software for direct sale to the world’s largest network operators. With the acquisition of Concurrent Technology in early 2018, Vecima gained a nimble software company with a rich heritage in the video streaming and storage market, dating back to the earliest days of video-on-demand. Today Vecima is able to solve the challenges media and broadband professionals face with scalable end-to-end delivery and access solutions.

Who do you see as your biggest competitors and how do you differentiate yourself?

We have a varied business with plenty of competitors but, in terms of the video market, we view AWS/Elemental and Velocix as our two primary competitors. We differentiate ourselves in two ways: offering true compute / cloud agnostic solutions and moving faster than anyone else to meet our customers’ changing commercial and technology requirements.

What do you see as the biggest opportunities in the video / technology space and what are the biggest challenges?

For the video industry as a whole, our biggest opportunity is to continue our march towards unfettered access to high value content enabled by ubiquitous broadband access. The biggest challenge is predicting consumer trends and providing them with the content they want, where and when they want it. With content costs increasing, and the sobering costs of migrating various access networks to next-generation, ultra-high capacity technologies, the consumer trend of moving away from single content aggregators can make traditional business cases difficult to justify.

What innovation or development do you think has had the biggest impact on the video market as it stands today?

For me it’s clearly the development of a nearly infinite content library. The infinite library has driven drastic changes in access networks, CDNs, user interfaces, consumer behaviour, and even how and by whom content itself is created.

How do you think the video market and viewing habits will look five years from now?

I see consumers willing to spend more on truly high value content, especially content which lends itself to creating a community of viewership. Live sports is an excellent, obvious example of this, but so are the ultra-popular episodic offerings we’re seeing emerge and get better and better every year. At the same time viewing habits will continue to evolve with more people consuming more of the infinite content library than the year before.

These two habits will lead to three main requirements for us as an industry: continue creating content that people love and connect to as large geographically dispersed communities; make the infinite content library readily available to any subscriber on any access network, on any device; and enable increasingly compelling user interfaces, differentiated quality, and unique services bundles.

For Vecima Networks, we have to enable our customers to deliver the content at a higher quality than anyone else and help solve the capacity and reach problems of tomorrow.
