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DevOps and the Public Cloud: New Ways to Pay for the Public Cloud


What's Inside

DevOps teams worldwide continue to embrace a widening array of public cloud vendors and payment options. Techstrong Research’s latest quarterly survey of 458 development professionals, managers, and senior leaders across 20 industries shows growing interest in both trusted alternative cloud providers as well as in new ways to pay for cloud infrastructure, including Google Pay, PayPal, Venmo, and cryptocurrencies.

DevOps and the Public Cloud: New Ways to Pay for the Public Cloud Research

Related Webinar
Getting Paid: Why Cloud Providers Are Changing How Customers Use and Pay for Services

This webinar discussion covers:

  • How new options for payment and sign-on improve the customer experience.
  • Ways in which encryption-driven third-party payment platforms are addressing customer payment preferences and requirements.
  • How these offerings ensure strong data security, governance and compliance.

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