Harmonic and Dimetis pave the way for DVB-T2 transition in Germany

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    Video delivery specialist Harmonic and German IP broadcast pioneer Dimetis are partnering to create a new field test system to speed the migration of terrestrial TV in Germany from an MPEG-2/DVB-T environment to HEVC/DVB-T2 in Germany. 

    The fruits of the two companies’ partnership will be on display at IBC 2015 at their stands (1.B20 (Harmonic) and 1.B30 (Dimetis). At its heart will be Harmonic’s Electra X2 advanced media processor, in combination with its ProStream 9100 high-density stream processor, DiviTrackIP stat-muxing technology, and NMX Digital Service Manager – all integrated with Dimetis’ BOSS BROADCAST Manager.

    The two partners claim the equipment will allow video content and service providers to seamlessly migrate to HEVC/DVB-T2, allowing them to reduce their Capex and Opex while improving video and audio quality. The Harmonic equipment is being provided by local distribution partner Netorium.

    Dimetis CEO Joachim Kniesel said that by partnering with Harmonic, his company would help German service providers “successfully address the government’s mandated DVB-T switch-off scheduled for the year 2020 and improve the quality of services delivered to television viewers.”

    Harmonic’s Senior Vice President of Video Products, Bart Spriester, commented that the German TV market was “just on the cusp” of making the transition to DVB-T2, and said the newly-integrated HEVC-DVB-T2 solution would help facilitate a “next-generation television experience.”


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