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Private and Secure Networking on Akamai

Private Networking

Create isolated networks to control communication between your resources and to the public internet.

Graphic representation of a VLAN with 4 squares, three of which are connected together, leaving the third isolated.

Isolated Networking on Akamai

Private network for secure communication between your Akamai compute resources.

Linode private networking secure icon.

Secure and Flexible

Configure your resources with private and/or public interfaces to control which of your workloads has access to public and private networks.

Linode private networking easy setup icon.

Easy Setup

Customize your private network to suit your use case.

Linode Private Networking private intranet sites icon.

Optimize Traffic

Create a network contained within an enterprise to securely share information to serve as a central repository for collaboration and sensitive information.

Linode private networking apps pyramid.

Multi-Tiered Applications

Logically separate front and backend layers to communicate with and without public internet access.


VPC Technical Specifications

  • Operates on Layer 3 of the OSI model (the data link layer)
  • Support for multiple subnets, making each Compute Instance reachable from resources in any subnet in the VPC

VPC Usage Specifications

  • Resource allocation of 1 VPC per Compute Instance
  • Each VPC can maintain up to 10 subnets
  • Network transfer over a VPC does not count towards your account’s network transfer allowance

VLAN Technical Specifications

  • Operates on Layer 2 of the OSI model (the data link layer)
  • Support for Broadcast, unknown-unicast and multicast traffic

VLAN Usage Specifications

  • Each account can maintain up to 10 VLANs per region
  • Each Compute Instance can belong to up to 3 VLANs
  • Network transfer over a VLAN does not count towards your account’s network transfer allowance


VLAN and VPC are available in select regions.

VLAN and VPC OSI Layers

Private networking diagram.
Feature VLAN VPC
OSI Layer 2 Layer 3
IP Broadcast Yes No
IP Multicast Yes No
Multiple Subnets No Yes
Cloud Firewall Support No Yes
Cost No Charge No Charge
Same-Region Data Transfer No Charge No Charge
Cross-Regional Data Transfer Not Supported Coming Soon

Additional Features

No Added Cost

Private Networking options are available to all Akamai cloud customers at no additional cost, in addition to DDoS protection and Cloud Firewall

Access Management

Deploy and manage private networks through API, CLI, or Cloud Manager.

Ready to get started or have questions?

Set up your free account today or contact a sales consultant to learn more.

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