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Sky makes video home networking a point of competitive differentiation

Sky Q in action. The new platform will use a hybrid of mesh Wi-Fi and wired networking to ensure great multiscreenSky UK has revealed...

Speculation mounts that Sky will launch new STB platform next week

Speculation is rife that a news event Sky has scheduled for next week (November 18) will be used to unveil a new set-top box...

Editor’s Comment: Why each of us will need an IoT ‘off’ button

Location tracking as it should be done, with opt-ins for family membersWe have written recently (see stories at bottom) about the potential role for...

Content security vendors need to prevent babycam hacking nightmares

Some of the technology used to secure premium content today, using a software client that is hardened and fully field-renewable (diagram shows Cloaked CA...

The role of Pay TV in the Internet of Things

Christophe Rufin at Orange highlighted the likely entry points for IoT services into the home (slide courtesy of Orange)Many service providers already offer television,...

AirTies: boom in OTT, faster speeds and dumb mobile devices brewing up a “perfect...

Bülent Çelebi, Chairman and Co-Founder of AirTies Wireless Networks speaking at the Connected TV World Summit. By Barry Flynn, Contributing Editor A boom in OTT...

The role of a Pay TV operator in the Smart Home

Remote energy management with EnBW (left) and the QIVICON Home Base hub What is the role for a Pay TV operator in the Smart...

VidiPath “will result in people watching more subscription TV”

One of the important developments in Pay TV multiscreen TV is the arrival of CVP-2, the DLNA standard for getting subscription TV content onto...

IBC demos: UHD, whole-home and better looking STBs

The ARRIS VIP4600 IP set-top box, one of the new range of better looking STBsLast week we published the Editor’s Top Three demonstrations from IBC...

Faster innovation creates organisational challenges for Pay TV

The Comcast Xfinity guide and companion app. Comcast has pioneered the use of RDK and cloud infrastructureThe Pay TV industry is striving to shorten...

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