The premium video industry is constantly reinventing itself in order to remain competitive – offering the best user experience and the best environment for advertisers. As a result, media companies and rights owners have focused over the past two years on the buying of exclusive content and programmes, and the creation of new customer touch points – to accommodate the way viewers now access their content across various devices.
The next step is to look at monetisation holistically. Traditionally, there were two ways to monetise content; advertising and subscription. In 2019 we will see the emergence of hybrid business models – a combination of the two revenue types.
Putting ROI under the spotlight, content owners and distributors are looking more at the value generated by their content, turning to concepts pre-empted by the digital marketing industry, such as customer lifetime value (or content lifetime value) and average revenue per user (ARPU). Industry actors, more than ever before, need to have the right tools, metrics and insights to make the right decision.
FreeWheel and CTS (Comcast Technology Solutions) have combined their activities in order to offer a unique product suite that supports and empowers all types of monetisation, and brings together advertising and subscription business models – relying on data-supported decisioning and insights. There will no longer be one business model to suit all, instead it will be all about XVOD.