Home VideoNet TV What next for the newly formed Conditional Access Module powerhouse, SmarDTV Global...

What next for the newly formed Conditional Access Module powerhouse, SmarDTV Global & Neotion?

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SmarDTV’s Conditional Access Module (CAM) and Set-Top Box (STB) businesses (previously owned by Kudelski Group) were transferred to SmarDTV Global, a newly set up entity, joining NEOTION’s mother company. The former competitors have combined to create a Conditional Access Module powerhouse and here, Lionel Boissier, CEO, Neotion – SmarDTV Global, outlines the synergies and shared product roadmap, and his determination to ensure a customer-first organisation. He also explores the emerging market opportunity for the local area redistribution of satellite multicast ABR streaming services, helping satellite operators to take a stake in the multiscreen business.

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