Home Reports & White Papers Taking TV innovation from operator speed to web speed

Taking TV innovation from operator speed to web speed

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New approaches to development can bring TV innovation from operator speed to web speed with the right systems integration

An eBook by Ben Schwarz with additional writing from Philip Hunter

Agility and “web speed” have become rallying calls for pay TV operators in the multiscreen era where the rate at which services must evolve and new features appear has increased by an order of magnitude. Bringing on new customer-facing features within weeks was confined in the past to greenfield deployments but is now becoming essential even for operators encumbered by legacy. Innovations in software development, systems integration, operations and testing cycles are changing this, along with a new approach to systems integration.

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Ben Schwarz
As consultant, analyst and blogger, Ben is recognized as an international thought leader in the converging media space. After 10 years in IT at Logica CMG, he moved on to run technology for a music start-up. Ben spent the next 10 years with Orange, bringing the Internet into telecoms core business. He ran innovation programs then launched several media based services including IPTV in Europe and Africa. Since 2008 he has been running his own company, CTO innovation Consulting, now helping his international clients with strategy, business modelling, technology. Since 2012 he has added communication and PR to his portfolio. In 2015 Ben joined the Ultra HD Forum where he is working on next generation TV and entertainment. He lives in Paris and his social media name is nebul2.