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The State of HDR in Broadcast and OTT

By Yoeri Geutskens A lot has been written about HDR video lately, and from all of this perhaps only one thing becomes clear – that there...

The advertising developments, 2015-16, you need to know about

Rich Astley, UK Managing Director at Videology, gives his end of year verdict on the online video market and video advertising. What have been the...

Looking Back at RDK in 2015: Driving Speed and Innovation

By Steve Heeb, President & GM of RDK Management, LLC 2015 was a highly productive year for the Reference Design Kit (RDK), and the RDK...

Video set to take over the world

By Parham Azimi, CEO, Cantemo The Internet is oversaturated with content. Coupled with video technology and enhancements, this has drastically changed our lives, affecting not...

TV Apps aren’t getting used

By Adam Nightingale, VP EMEA, Accedo TV apps are not getting used. That was the conclusion from research issued by Altman Vilandrie & Co. this month,...

The future of the set-top box

By Menno Koopmans, senior VP subscription broadcasting, Universal Electronics   When smart TVs were launched there was a lot of chatter about them replacing the set-top...

Converting Rugby World Cup Views to Digital Revenues with Server-Side Ad Insertion

By Paul Davies, Account Manager, Yospace As Dan Carter’s 40-metre drop-kick arched over the posts, the Rugby World Cup was decided.  Hailed as the greatest...

Moving the Ultra HD Industry Forward: A Tale of Two Consortia

By Craig Knudsen, Vice Chairman, Communications Working Group, Ultra-HD Forum and Director, Strategic Initiative,  Dolby Vision Live I’m a lucky guy.  Almost three years ago,...

Why Discovery Problems are Damaging TV, and What We Can Do About It

Authored by Tom Laidlaw, VP, Kannuu The freedom of choice is both cherished and sought after, and we will always want more. Having an abundance of...

Subscriber insights will help SVOD providers avoid Netflix’s “inability to collect” hiccup

By Jonathan Guthrie, CEO, Paywizard A company not meeting its quarterly earnings expectations is not a major story. Yet, when the world’s largest SVOD provider...

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